Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Series: Dragonblood by Michael Dahl

A new Age of Dragons is about to begin.  The powerful creatures will return to rule the world once more, but this time will be different.  This time, they will have allies.  Who will help them?  Around the world, some young humans are making a strange discovery.  They are learning that they were born with dragon blood –blood that gives them amazing powers.

Eye of the Monster Ren is tired of being bullied, but he thinks the bullies are right –he is small and weak.  But when his eyes turn golden, and his skin turns scaly, Ren thinks he can finally get revenge on the boys who tormented him.  What will he do when he sees what fear looks like?

The Girl who Breathed Fire Noor and Farah, searching for food, find themselves in a crumbling library.  But when Noor shouts, the sound is heard by three soldiers who patrol the old building.  The soldiers are angry, and the two girls are scared.  That all changes when Noor opens her mouth…

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