Friday, November 27, 2009

New Series: Jack Russell: Dog Detective

Jack’s Facts:

Dogs understand what humans say.

Humans think they understand what dogs say.

Therefore, dogs are smarter than humans.

This is a fact.

Jack Russell, Dog Detective, lives with his owner Sarge, a police detective.  Sarge solves crimes, but, as Jack puts it, “Sarge detects human-type crimes.  I detect important crimes.”  Each book in this series is a hilarious recounting of Jack’s discovery of, and solving of, an important crime –important to dogs, that is.  To help him in solving a crime, Jack makes a “nose map” (a way of storing information collected by the nose), which might include things like “A place under the tree where a cat sat last Thursday.”  In case you are confused, each chapter has a glossary with entries such as “Daching.  The way dachshunds move about.” 

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