Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Islington Library Book Share

Here are the books recommended at the September Grades 3 - 5 Book Share

Claire: The Potato Chip Puzzles by Eric Berlin

Jessica: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Suddenly Supernatural by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel

Kiley: The Amaranth Enchantment by Julie Berry

Eleven Birthdays by Wendy Mass

Elizabeth: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry

Hildi: Boy on the Lion Throne by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel

Nataniah: Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

Vivien: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Mystery Series!

Milo and Jazz are real detectives –in training, that is!  And they’re ready to solve any mystery that comes their way.  with a little help from world-famous private eye Dash Marlowe, the two friends track down clues, stake out suspects and become top-notch super sleuths!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Batman Series!

From the pages of DC Comics comes…original, full-color chapter books!

emperor Emperor of the Airwaves: The Penguin purchases Gotham’s largest media company.  Meanwhile, a crime wave hits the city.  Batman soon learns that these events are related.  After the Dark Knight stops a crime, the Penguin’s TV news channel edits the security tapes and police reports to make Batman look like a criminal.  People begin to fear the Dark Knight.  If he can’t prove his innocence, the hero will end up in prison and the Penguin will fly free.


The Revenge of Clayface: Billionaire Bruce Wayne is asked to support revenge the military’s newest weapon, the ParaBomb X, a high-tech orb that emits a paralyzing light.  But during the weapon’s demonstration, a general grabs the orb, crashes through the window, and falls to the street below.  Bruce Wayne is stunned.  When he looks down at the street, he sees the thief turn into a gooey pile of mud and slip down a storm drain with the stolen weapon.  He wasn’t a general at all –he was one of Batman’s strangest enemies, Clayface.