The Children's Dept. now has audiobooks in an easy-to-use MP3 format called “Playaways.” the pre-recorded titles come in a credit-card-sized plastic case and come with the AAA battery needed. They're easy to use, and you can pause and them resume listening anytime! You just need your own headphones.
New Playaways Available:
Wolf Brother by Paver
Found by Haddix
Well Witched by Hardinge
The Dragonfly Pool by Ibbotson
Here are other books that we have as playaways:
Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices by Fleischman
Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief by Van Draanen
Football Genius by Green
The 39 Clues: Book Two, One False Note by Korman
The Lightning Thief by Riordan
Athletic Shorts by Crutcher
Fairest by Levine
The Journey by Lasky
The Capture by Lasky
A Wrinkle in Time by L'Engle
Locomotion by Woodson
The Outsiders by Hinton